Sony NEX-VG10 vs. DSLR: how do they compare?

Sony NEX-VG10 high-definition APS-C camcorder

[ Jump to the forum discussion: Sony NEX-VG10 (APS-C sensor, interchangeable lens) ]

Two months after a preliminary teaser, Sony announced the new NEX-VG10 camcorder. With a DSLR-sized sensor and interchangeable lenses, this new high-definition video camera brings outstanding, unprecedented options to the videomaking world.

But who is it really for? Should you get a NEX-VG10 or a DSLR? As often, it all depends on what you really need… Now this camcorder calls for a full specs review and comparison.

For answers and more, continue the discussion in our forum thread: Sony NEX-VG10 (APS-C sensor, interchangeable lens)

Here is also, hereafter, a demo video published by Sony.

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